Cover Illustration for the Latest Volume


In the wake of the shock from the Demon Regiment’s attack, the Barbodel Magic Academy has decided to hold a school festival to rally spirits. Class F has settled on a quintessentially Japanese attraction (?), a cosplay café. Not only the students, including Helen, but even the faculty have found themselves caught up in the cosplay craze! Meanwhile, in the shadows, the Kaizell Empire is maneuvering across nations, aiming to bring the world under its control, and its sinister reach is slowly extending to the academy itself. The highly anticipated ninth installment of this beloved series! (Source: Hanashi Media)

Seiichi and the Festival of Doom!

Nine volumes in, and I expect most who’ll read this review will have some idea of what to expect from The Fruit of Evolution. The series’ signature style of slapstick continues, but this time Seiichi is granted a small reprieve from the action of the main plot.

This instalment begins with the academy preparing for one of the most recognisable tropes in the genre: the school festival. What should be a time filled with cheers and joy, however, is left with a tinge of anxiety in the air as everyone is still on edge after a recent disturbing event, and nobody is more affected by this than Seiichi’s former classmates turned heroes. Being unable to do anything to stop the worshippers who threatened the academy, this volume finds them all at a loss.  

Having reality come crashing down, showing that they’re not as invincible as they once thought, has led to some interesting dynamics to occur within the class. Aside from Kannazaki’s group, fractures have begun to form within the rest of the class, leading to some of the class’s crueller members acting out their frustrations on their weaker classmates. These moments paint the heroes in a less-than-heroic light, instead showing them to be the immature teenagers they are.

As the story continues, the plot moves away from the festival and back to the schemes of the Kaizell Empire. No longer satisfied with planning, the ninth volume finds the Empire mounting an invasion on several fronts, including the academy. 

Seiichi once again gets to show off his abilities here. Despite being an army of transcendents, the Kaizell Empire’s army is no match for the sum of human potential (Seiichi), who manages to hold them off singlehandedly. That victory, however, remains short-lived.  

With a target on its back, the academy is forced to close, marking the end of the academy arc. As a result, Seiichi and his blushing brides are forced to return to Terbelle. Far from the happy place it once was, the city is under threat from multiple fronts. As both the Cult of the Wicked One and the Kaizell Empire make their move on the city, the next volume is sure to be explosive. 

Overall, The Fruit of Evolution’s style of slapstick still manages to make for an entertaining read, even nine volumes in. Most of its highlights, however, come from the author’s exploration of the dynamics within the class of heroes. Despondent after their recent spate of poor performances, it’ll be interesting to see how they keep their emotions in check back in the Empire. 

I Give The Fruit of Evolution: 8/10

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You can read the ninth volume of this series digitally on the Hanashi Media website.

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